“That’s time boys” Sir declared.
Tanner looked over at Matt, he’d gagged a number of times but Matt was in rough shape, he had tried but clearly had a way more sensitive gag reflect than he did. His chest was covered in drool and mucus, eyes teary, but he was smiling, he’d given it a good go.
“Let’s get the final count for those watching online. You boys put on a good show, we have over one hundred and twenty guys watching, and I've received many more requests for access for the next events”. Sir removed Matt’s dlido and looked at the counter. “41, a decent effort, but was it enough”.
Matt knew it wasn’t, he had spent the first few minutes barely able to take it more than halfway. Meanwhile, he had seen Tanner sliding back and forth with impressive strokes, barely gagging at all.

“Wow, good work boy, 63” Sir announced for the benefit of the online audience, squeezing Tanner's shoulder with pride. “You’ve avoided 3 weeks of added denial to your chastity sentence. Sadly, Matt was not so lucky. Oh well, just means another three weeks of him focusing all his pent-up sexual energy on pleasing me during that time! He always tries so hard to impress me in hopes I’ll cave and let him out early. Poor boy” Sir said, he was taunting and putting on a show.
“You both are a bit of a mess, wash up before bed,” Sir said, turning on the shower panel. “Remember, you’ve got an audience, so be sure to put on a show for them, but remember, no cumming.” he said as he left the room.
Tanner and Matt came upstairs together after spending about forty-five minutes in the shower, teasing each other, kissing, sucking and soaping each other up and rinsing off. Sir must have been watching while he was doing whatever he was doing upstairs because Matt had noticed that when they were finished and he had turned off the shower panel, the red light on the webcam had shut off. He wondered how many people had just watched him and Tanner being intimate with each other. It was thrilling, a taboo sort of feeling knowing random strangers were likely sitting watching them put on a live porno for them, all because Sir had wanted to show them off, as a part of this kinky sex game. Matt loved how devious Sir could be.
“That’s it for tonight's events, let's get ready for bed, you both can worship and rub my feet for being such good little sluts for the camera today,” Sir said.
Matt, Tanner and Sir all took turns bushing their teeth. Sir was first, however, Tanner had gone in into the bathroom and prepared Sir’s toothbrush ahead of him. It was a little thing, but Tanner had started doing it after the first few times he had come to visit, and Sir loved it.
Tanner was last out of the bathroom tonight and as he shut off the lights and came down the hall towards the bedroom, he could hear Sir instructing Matt to kneel at the foot of the bed, on his left foot. Tanner entered to see his Master sprawled on the king-size bed, his hands back behind his head, showing off his armpits and framing out his hairy chest. His face beamed a devilish smile as Tanner entered. He was positioned so his feet just hung over the edge of the bottom of the bed. His pose was powerful and commanding. He glanced towards his other foot, nodding slightly as he did. The look itself gave Tanner all the instruction he needed he knelt, and ran his tongue up the sole of Sir’s foot towards his toes, taking them into his mouth. Sir exhaled deeply, showing his pleasure. Matt was doing the same, worshipping the other foot as Sir began stocking his rapidly hardening cock. This was what Tanner loved about spending time with Matt and Sir, everyone had their place, and it just felt right. He would sleep soundly beside his Master and his other boy, exhausted from an evening of submission for the first time in months, he exhaled as Sir pushed the sole of his foot firmly against Tanner's face, slick with his own salvia and felt the stress of his workweek melt away.
Saturday morning started pretty normally, they woke up to the smell of coffee from the drip machine, having been set the night before. Tanner, not having been the greatest of cooks, but wanting to impress his men, made scrambled eggs, toast and sliced tomatoes. After eating and cleaning up. Despite having showered the night before, both Matt and Tanner were instructed to go downstairs and make sure they were cleaned up and ready for the day. They had a built-in shower shot for anyone wanting to clean out in the bathroom downstairs.
Outside, rain blasted against the windows, as Sir sipped the rest of his coffee and checked his laptop. He had been taking some requests and crowdsourcing ideas for this next challenge on Twitter and the Discord server he had set up for the event.
Matt, rounded the top of the stairs, coming up from his shower before Tanner, and saw that Sir had set up two leather chairs facing the fireplace. Matt knew this likely meant Sir was intending to hypnotize them both. The chairs were comfortable and because of the reclined position and higher set of arms, it meant when Sir was putting people under a trance, they couldn’t slump out, and they were really good at supporting your neck. Sir had been practicing hypnosis for many years and he was very skilled. He did some self-help work but focused mostly on providing erotic experiences, both online and in-person, to enhance sexual encounters. Matt had no idea what was in store today, this whole competition was a new experience and side to Sir’s creativity Matt had not seen before. It was anyone’s guess what was going to happen next.
Tanner, coming up a few minutes behind also saw the chairs, but he wanted an edge in the next competition and was trying to look around for any clues. There were none. There was no gear, no sex toys, it was just the two chairs set up facing the fireplace. The wireless webcam sat watching in the centre of the mantle.
“Welcome to Game 2. In order to make this next game a little more interesting for our viewers, I’ve been taking suggestions and am going to hypnotize you both and lay a bit of groundwork and some surprises. Think of this next game as a mix of your devotion to me and a chance for me to show off some of my Hypno skills for the viewers.” Sir said
“I’m going to take you deep into trance, and place some triggers and markers for you to experience various things once out of trance. Our friends online will get to see me put you under, that way they know what is happening and can follow along. This next challenge is probably going to take you a little while to complete. Take a seat.” he continued.
He watched as both of them settled into the chairs. Their bodies slumped back into them as they met the leather, the chairs a physical trigger to pull them deep under his control, their minds open and blank. He had been working to bring each of them deeper and deeper into a trance and had been building associations of submissive feelings and a desire to serve and obey. These feelings would wash over them as they sank deeper.
With his subs deep in trance, he took a moment to address the audience of fellow kinksters who had tuned in to the event.
“You’ll have seen that I’ve installed a trigger for them both related to these chairs. If any of you are new to hypnosis, triggers are what a hypnotist uses to bring forward thoughts or feelings within the subconscious mind created during trance, or as a way to bring a subject back down into trace. Both Matt and Tanner are now in a hyper-suggestive state of trance when they sit in these chairs. My words become their reality.” he explained.
“For this next challenge, I am going to have them both count grains of rice. They’ll wake up from the trance, sitting over at the dining table, chained to the chair. They’ll receive instructions from me to count the number of grains of rice, and the first one to get the correct number will avoid another three weeks of forced chastity. Another local sub volunteered to help and counted out the precise number of grains each, and dropped them off for me. However, this won't be a straightforward counting exercise, as I am about to add some additional challenges for them along the way. You’ll have an idea of what's to come and what will likely happen when if you stick around. I will warn you that there are a lot of grains of rice, and I expect this challenge to likely drag on for a few hours. Feel free to pop in and out of the live stream if you like, along the way I will be tweeting out the higher action parts so you all get the fun bits”.
Sir turned his attention back to Matt and Tanner, their faces slack, awaiting his suggestions. Sir began to use his words to build scenarios for them, triggers and reactions to certain events, conditioning and preconditioning elements of the show that was about to begin.
“3, 2, 1 and wake”. Matt’s eyes fluttered open and he blinked off the foggy feeling. He looked around and saw Tanner across the dining table from him doing the same, a chain ran around his chest, looped through his collar and back through the open back of the chair and back around. It was a decorative form of bondage, hugging his pecs and drawing attention to his chest. Despite the aesthetic aspect, the chains also fulfilled their main objective as Tanner tested his restraints and found he was unable to stand up. Matt looked down and saw he was secured to the chair in an identical fashion. A metal serving tray sat in front of both him and Tanner with a big pile of rice. It looked to be about a cup or so. There also was a pair of chopsticks, a butter knife and a spoon. What the hell is going on.
Sir walked around, running a hand over Tanner’s shoulder and sliding it down to rest over the chain. “This one is very straightforward. You’re going to do a pointless task because I told you to. I own you and I own your time, if I want to keep you busy I will, and right now, that’s what I want. You each have an identical number of grains of rice in the pile in front of you. The first one to get the exact number wins. Before you submit your number you must say ‘Master, I think I know the number’, this will prevent the other from hearing your guess. Matt, give it a try please, for the audience”.
Matt glanced awkwardly at the camera and cleared his throat, then second-guessing himself asked “any number?”
“Yes boy, any number you want.” Sir said.
“Master, I think I know the number: Three hundred and twenty-one,” he said.
Tanner looked curiously at Matt. “What was his guess, Tanner?” Sir asked.
“I don’t know, he still hasn’t said anything,” he said, a goofy puzzled look still stuck on his face.
“Good boy”. A big dopey smile spread from ear to ear at the praise.
Matt stared down at the two piles in front of him. One was about 1/3rd of the size of the other. He had been counting for about an hour and suddenly a wave of sexual energy had washed over him. His eyes had rolled back as wave after pulsed over him, a warm flush of heat followed by ripples of pleasure rocked his body, his cock twitching, hole pulsing greedily wishing to be filled by his Sir’s rock hard cock. His mind filled with sexual images of Sir, of himself being dominated by Sir and other Men while Sir watched. A picture of Tanner entered his mind, his tan skin dewy with sweat, them sitting together on the beach, them making out in the hot tropical sun on an isolated stretch of paradise they’d walked to together. Suddenly the feeling of hands exploring all over his body, he opened his mouth as fingers slid up from his neck into his mouth and down his throat, a cock pushing up against his ass. A stifled moan escaped his lips, exultation to his Master, the man who owned and controlled him. His God. He’d rocked his hips against the feeling of the hand wrapped around his own cock to the rhythm of the final waves of pure ecstasy as they and the phantom sensations slowly faded away.
“Fuck” Matt muttered as he saw Tanner continuing to count. He stared back down at his piles. No clue which pile he had been counting from. He’d been so overcome with sexual energy, so focused on giving in to the feelings he’d been conditioned to feel on some sort of unknown trigger his mind had let go of the important detail that would save him from another 3 weeks of having his dick locked up.
Matt pushed all the grains of rice back into one pile, giving up. The more he tried to think of what the number he had been at was the foggier it got. This was clearly Sir’s doing, he’d been hypnotized to become absolutely mindfucked by waves of orgasmic energy whenever he got to a certain number. The good news was that Matt suspected Sir was not cruel enough to just disadvantage Matt with this particular twist, and judging by Tanner’s single pile separated on his tray from the rest of the pile of rice, he’d not yet had the mind-melting experience yet. Matt quickly started making piles, this time counting in groups of 10. When he hit 100 he merged them into a single group, starting again in the remaining space with another group of sets of 10. This way, if he hit the trigger again, he’d see some order when he came back to his senses.
Tanner shook and screamed out “Holy fuck, yes, fuuuuuck yes!” bucking his hips frivolously.
Matt grinned and took a second to watch. It was pretty incredible. Sir had come back into the living room, having left to the bedroom for a bit and chuckled as he tussled Tanner’s hair. Tanner didn’t even seem to notice, he was so deep in fantasy being created by his own mind by Sir’s suggestion. Matt secretly hoped that if he hit whatever the magic number was again he’d get to experience that bliss all over again, and this time he wouldn’t lose count. He watched as Tanner came out of his fantasy and smiled when a look of disappointment spread over his face realizing he’d need to start from scratch. Matt grew confident when he watched Tanner blast past 10 and keep flicking more and more grains into his new pile, apparently not fully having understood why he had lost his place. Matt had a feeling he was going to win this competition, eventually. He shifted in his bonds, getting comfortable and getting back to work. Sir took a seat on the couch in the living room across from them and played around on his phone, taking some pictures while they worked. The webcam blinked away from its perch.
My word this so hot I had to cum so many times reading this I wish I could have this happen to me