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Writer: Master Bryan's Boy - BlogMaster Bryan's Boy - Blog


I debated how I should write this. I started it out as more of a true blog post to talk about a really cool experience I had with trance and hypnosis and some hot play with a new guy.

I went so deep in trace in this session and the experience was sort of an out-of-body one when the main trigger feature was used. It was like I was trapped in my body, a sort of waking trance, where I was aware of what was happening but had no control whatsoever. It was thrilling and I couldn't get it out of my head for the past few days. I’ve been trying to figure out what made my experience that particular day so powerful, and I haven’t quite been able to put my finger on it, but I think it might have something to do with having some peripheral knowledge of the kinks Marcus was into based on conversations Sir after he’d done some online sessions. I had a starting point in my mind and then having been introduced to the scene, when it became clear Sir was going to give me the same triggers and conditioning through trance as he’d already given Marcus, my subconscious already had what it needed to help build something really powerful.

As I got into writing this, it felt a bit easier to fictionalize portions to keep things interesting for you all and I seem to enjoy writing stories more than pure experience-based blogs. Anyway, I hope you horny guys enjoy it!

-Master Bryan’s Boy.


“Come join us downstairs when you are done there,” he said leaning out of the patio door.

Sir had met Marcus through Recon, but as luck would have had it, Marcus had actually found the website on his own. Marcus had been eager and was over the moon when he realized he’d inadvertently stumbled across the guy who had created the files he’d been listening to and fantasizing about for the past few months. He’d mentioned that hypnosis was a tough kink to find good local Doms for. Most just had a fetishized version of it in their minds that led to some pretty lacklustre role play. Marcus had been there and done that, so was super excited when Sir had agreed to do some online sessions with him.

I’d heard about Marcus on and off for a number of months. Sir had told me about some of their sessions. He was an attractive guy from the photos Sir had shown me, just over six feet tall, toned and muscular. He was in his late twenties or early thirties, a working professional and seemed to have his life in order. It’d started to become clear to me based on the guys Sir had connected with, that guys who were often making decisions and had a lot of responsibilities in their working life often like to let loose and find their submissive side as a way to relax and escape the pressures of their reality through hypnosis. He’d come and go in terms of doing sessions online with Sir over the past few months, and had a busy schedule, so when Sir had let me know that Marcus was actually taking the train in to visit I had not been expecting it.

We’d not had a new boy in a number of months, but with COVID case counts coming down, and is fully vaccinated and have had come down with COVID at least once, we’d decided it was time to start seeing people again and having some fun. I had been checking the hot tub chemistry and doing a bit of weeding in the gardens while Sir had been spending some one-on-one time with Marcus, doing a bit of hypnosis, conditioning and getting him ready for our session.


Sir stood at the foot of the bed, Marcus laying face down behind him in a pair of assless camo Andrew Christian briefs. The thick links of the steel chain padlocked around his neck contrasted against his dark complexion, catching my eye. He also had a set of thick padded leather wrist cuffs on, but his arms were slack at his sides, movement unrestricted. We’d been over to a friend’s for a swim the day before, and Sir had allowed me to take off my subtle day collar he sometimes had me wear, so I wasn’t expecting it when I walked into the bedroom to him to be holding the matching heavy chain collar. That was usually reserved for heavier bondage scenes,

“Strip and kneel at my feet boy” pointing to the ground in front of him.

His tone was commanding and I dropped to my knees after having removed my shorts, bowing my head as he slipped the chain around my neck. Marcus moaned softly from the bed. If he had said something, I couldn’t make out what it was. The lock clicked shut, cold steel around my neck.

“Stay there boy,” he ordered and moved to sit down beside Marcus, who moaned again as Sir grabbed his firm ass, giving it a hard squeeze and a bit of a shake. He had a very nice ass.

“Marcus, what is your name?” he asked the man wearing his collar on the bed. The mumbling became sharp and clear “Master Bryan’s Slave Sir” he said loudly, then returned back to incoherent moaning.

“Good boy, IQ Normal” Sir said, rubbing his back. “Come sit up beside me, Marcus”.

Sir moved back on the bed and Marcus turned over and sat up beside him, looking a little bleary-eyed, drool glistening on his lips and down his chin. I watched as Sir pulled him in, wrapping an arm tightly around his shoulder and caressing his chest with his other hand, rubbing his fingers across Marcus’s nipples making him squirm and groan softly.

“Marcus here likes it when I do all the thinking for him, don’t you boy?” Sir asked him while grabbing his collar possessively and pulling his face into his chest.

Marcus nodded and said “Yes Sir” as he buried his face into the chest hair. He licked, sucked and kissed Sir’s body, his large member tenting in his underwear as he got more turned on. Sir made eye contact with me and grinned slyly. He knew the other guy on the bed getting his attention, his teasing him and putting on a bit of a show for me would drive me wild while I knelt, watching obediently. I loved seeing him use other guys, there was something incredibly hot about having him exert his dominance over me, making me show my submission by having me kneel at the foot of the bed, while another guy I barely knew worshiped him in his own way,

“Mindless boy, so empty, so obedient,” he said. Marcus’s head drooped forward a little and a slightly goofy grin had formed on his face. His eyes fixed forward, almost looking at me, but had a glassy look, almost as if they were looking past me at some unknown point on the wall. He groaned and rocked his hips slightly, thrusting his fully erect cock which had popped up between the band of his underwear and his belly, up and down.

“That’s it, just a big dumb horny slave boy. Can’t have a single thought of his own. Can’t even speak if he wanted to.” Sir said, stroking the guy’s head like a dog and teasing the head of his cock which was glistening with precum.

Sir walked back over and placed his hands on my face and pulled my head up until our eyes met, him looking down at me, me staring up at his chest looking up at him. I felt a rush, he was so sexy and kneeling before him just felt so right. He tussled my hair and then grabbed a fistful of it and forced my head back and slightly to the side. “You like what you see, boy?” he asked me.

“Yes Sir. So freaking hot to see you controlling another guy like that” I said. Spittle formed a long line from Marcus’s lower lip, his tongue slightly lolled out of his mouth and ran down over the chain collar and streamed down between his pecs.

“If you’re a good little slut and do what I say, you might be drooling and enjoying yourself as much as he is” he growled, still looking down at me.

“Yes Sir” I whispered softly, my heart racing.

“Good boy. Open your mouth.” I did as instructed and opened my mouth wide, my head still held by his firm grip on my hair. Sir made a swift sucking sound as he drew the saliva into his mouth and rapidly spat directly into my open mouth, the tail end of the spit missing and landing just below my eye. He slid his fingers across my cheek and into my mouth rubbing his saliva around my mouth and reaching the back of my throat with his three middle fingers while still holding my head in place. I could taste Marcus’s precum as his fingers explored my mouth. My cock was rock hard, he was being brutal and I loved it.

He pulled up on my hair and I yelped as he threw me towards the bed in a sweeping motion and a push on my back. “On your stomach beside him,” he ordered.


I felt the familiar waves of soft numb relaxation take hold as he dropped me into trance. I was falling fast and deep. The sexual energy and my desire to submit, to take part in the afternoon’s activities drawing me in and letting me go deep down. Sir’s voice echoed around me. His words became my thoughts while I felt my own thoughts slipping and fading away. My subconscious mind took the driver’s seat in my mind, a spot it was becoming more accustomed to the more Sir took me deep into trance.

Sir was explaining what he wanted my subconscious to do, what it would do to please him. How on command it would jump back into the driver's seat and take me back into this soft, enjoyable comfort. No thoughts of my own, only empty horny pleasure getting stronger and stronger the more I listened, the more I obeyed. It would let me fall fully into trance though, it would let my conscious mind through just enough to recognize the power and control of this suggestion. His ability to take away my ability to do anything but obey. My conscious mind would love that because I love his control and it would turn me on so much to be so controlled by him. To have my mind and body enslaved to him and his words. Fuelling the horny desire to be even more mindless and empty, and as I dropped deeper under his control my lust for him would grow, Any effort to act on those feelings, any resistance to his complete and utter control would take me deeper,

In this new state of trance, he was crafting I would be able to act on any command he gave me but would be so empty and blank I’d be unable to move, think or talk without his instruction to do so. He was going to control each and every part of me when he wanted to. I might moan, I might grind my hips in horny frustration as the sexual tension grew but any resistance to his control would bring me back deeper, more relaxed and more eager to do what was commanded.

Waves of pleasure washed over me as I was slowly and softly brought back to the room.


“Mmm good boys. So hot to have you both here to serve me” Sir said while he stroked my head. He was lying naked on his back between Marcus and me and we both were straddling one of his legs, heads on his chest, grinding against him. He’d had his shorts on before he’d put me under, but I wasn’t quite sure how long I’d been out or if he’d put Marcus under again as well. It could have been 10 minutes or it could have been an hour. That was the weird thing about trance, I never have any sense of time when under.

“You want a taste of my cock don’t you slave,” He said looking into Marcus’s eyes.

“Fuck yes please Master,” Marcus said. My cock twitched at how excited he sounded,

“Good boy” Waves of pleasure coursed through me, and Marcus let out a moan, eyes rolling back likely experiencing the same. “Mindless” he commanded.

I moaned in ecstasy, my cock throbbing as my limbs became heavy with a sleepy relaxed feeling. I couldn’t move as my mind faded away being consumed by horny feelings and thoughts of my Master’s control. “Go suck my cock, Marcus”.

I lay in Sir’s arms unable to do anything except moan with my mouth hanging open as his hands explored my body, squeezing my chest, and playing with my nipples, while Marcus gave him head, and receiving Sir’s praise for being such a good big dumb slave. Sir pulled my head from the crook in his armpit and towards his nipple. “Suck and lick it boy”

My mouth and lips sprang to action with no effort taking him into my mouth, flicking my tongue across his nipple. I couldn’t think of anything else than making him feel good. I moaned, not quite able to stop a heavy stream of drool from running down my face and onto my neck and shoulder. He eventually pulled me off of him and put my head back on his bicep. He looked down at me and smiled, clearly enjoying seeing the helpless look of horny lust that must have been showing based on how strongly I was feeling and being dragged deeper into submission for him at that moment.

Sir grabbed Marcus by the collar and dragged him up to his other nipple and ordered him to suck it as well. He dropped us both in and out of trance, teasing and taunting. Toggling our ability to think on and off, I came back to the room with his cock in my mouth and then again laying beside him, him kissing me, his tongue in my mouth, and my own tongue barely able to move to return the kiss.

“My sexy dumb slaves. Such good boys. Marcus keep going, you’re going to make me cum” he said, as he turned his attention back to me.

“Aw, you’re covered in drool boy, you look so cute when you’re my dumb slave, I might have to keep you mindless more often, look at how your mouth is just hanging open like that.” He said sticking his thumb in it again.

“Suck it like it's my cock” he commanded sharply and my mouth once again obeyed without delay on its own, sucking his thumb as if it were, as he erupted orgasmically into Marcus’s mouth.


a day ago

Perfection!!! Where do I sign up for a long deep rough training session?


Sep 24, 2023

Such a hot read!! I'd love to be in that position


Unknown member
Jan 28, 2023

I loved readying Mindless and the effect hypnosis can have on a little submissive like me.

so much to learn here


Jan 13, 2023

I have never wanted to go under hypnosis more then after reading this my cock is so darn hard.

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